Fly Fish Everglades Redfish
Redfish are available year round in Southwest Florida. It isn’t often that we get bull redfish to target but we have plentiful numbers of 20” to 30” redfish.
Two blue tipped tails pop up just for a second, then a small head wake pushes along the surface. Lazily swimming along the shadowy edge of the mangrove island. They make their way to the sun and suddenly they’re glowing, clear as day two redfish on the prowl. Now’s your shot.
Redfish are available year round in Southwest Florida. It isn’t often that we get bull redfish to target but we have plentiful numbers of 20” to 30” range all over the shorelines, coastal bays, and back country ponds of the Everglades. In the fall and winter months (November – February) redfish will cruise the shallow bays and flats often tailing on shrimp, crabs, and small baitfish. The low winter tides make for amazing sight fishing in the Everglades coastal bays and backcountry.
During the Spring months (March – June) redfish can be found almost everywhere in Southwest Florida from the backcountry lakes of the 10,000 Islands to the coastal bays around Naples. Redfish follow the food and make for great targets this time of year between tarpon opportunities.
In the summer months the heavy rains and fresh water flow tends to push redfish into the coastal bays and the beaches of the 10,000 Islands. They prefer to be in places with deep water access and tidal flow to escape the afternoon heat.